Swamp cooler: Types, Installation, Benefits and Working

When the summer season begins, the worries of an ordinary man increase as you see, eclectic bills are a big concern for the common man, especially in summer. If you want to stay cool in summer while cutting your expenses, you should use the swamp cooler. Here we will discuss all swamp coolers.

In case you wish to find a better way than an air conditioner, you are at the right place. You should use swamp coolers that are beneficial and money-saving things that stay cool the environment around you and will be a money saver for you.

what is swamp cooler

What Is A Swamp Cooler:

A swamp cooler (Evaporative Air Conditioner) is a water-based cooling system that is an old but very effective technique for cooling the environment. Basically swamp coolers use simple and effective principles of evaporation.

If we talk about the performance of a fan without the water evaporating cooling system. We can not get our desired result. Swamp cooler work with both techniques. The fan combined with the cooling water system make its result more effective, and its quality is too good. You can compare its cooling with the cooling of the Air Conditioner.

Construction Of Swamp Cooler:

Like the other coolers, the construction of the swamp cooler is very simple; there are the following main parts of the swamp cooler.

Parts Of Swamp Cooler:

There are few main parts of the swamp coolers they are written below:

  • Motor.
  • Water Pump
  • Blower Pulley
  • Shaft Bearings.
  • V-Belt
  • Drain and Overflow Tube
  •  Evaporative Pad
  • Motor Pulley.
  • Float Valve.

If you want to read a detailed article about the parts of a swamp cooler you should click on this link.

How Swamp Coolers Work?

Swamp coolers work on the very distinctive property of water. When the water evaporates, the vapour of water drops the temperature of dry air; in this way, the cooling occurs in the cooler’s body. Then the cooler gives the cool air to the environment; in this way, the swamp cooler works.

The working and the process of a swamp cooler is pretty simple and easy. There is a very simple and easy water running system through pipes.

Swamp coolers actually use the moisture or vapour of water to cool the air. They take the warm air from outside and cool it by passing the air into their wet pads. This cool air then blows into the cooler’s body, and the fan starts to throw this cool air into the outside.

When you place the cooler in position, the water valve draws water from the bottom of the cooler into the pads. The cooler pump is actually responsible for the water in the pads being brought up from the bottom.

Working of swamp cooler

When the evaporative pad gets enough water into them, they evaporate the water while the fan is running. Due to the vapours that are present in the cooler body air become moistened and cold. Swamp coolers suck the warm air from the outside, cool it and then blow the cool air throughout the room or home.

This cooling process is the same as when you are playing or getting exercise, and you feel the sweat on your body; meanwhile, a fan blows to you, and you feel the cooling on your skin.

Evapolar Evaporative System In Swamp Cooler:

Evapolar evaporative cooling systems are used in swamp coolers that moisturize the air and filter the dust particles that make the environment more comfortable to breathe.

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This cooler is very easy to maintain and to understand. A common man can easily understand the mechanism and the process of a swamp cooler. Swamp coolers use low amounts of electricity; you can run them on battery for more than 12 hours.

Water Swamp Cooler:

As we know, all of the coolers mainly work on the evaporating water system; that’s why swamp coolers are also called the water swamp cooler or Evaporative coolers. Their cooling mechanism relies on a simple principle: they sucked the air from outside through the saturated pads. They caused it to evaporate, so as it passed through the evaporated water, the air-cooled.

Swamp Cooler Benefits:

The swamp cooler has lots of benefits. These types of coolers are very easy to use and easy to install at a very reasonable price. The parts of the swamp cooler are easily available at a very low price. There are two main parts of every cooler that are a fan and a water pump. Both of these parts of the swamp cooler are easily available in the market.

Benefits of swamp cooler

The swamp cooler has lots of environmental benefits. If we talk about Air conditioners, there are many drawbacks of AC, such as ozone depletion and the use of CFCs.

There are the following main benefits that you should know while you are interested in buying the swamp cooler.

Quality Of Air:

Water used in swamp coolers is pure and of the same quality as the water we drink. That’s why there is no chemical or other harmful chemical that is used in swamp cooler bodies. This pure water holds the dust and cleans the air. If you are using the swamp cooler, you are breathing in pure and healthy air.

Cost Of Swamp Cooler:

Swamp coolers will solve both the problem of hot temperatures or the problem of high electricity bills. As compared to other typical air conditioners, you can save 90% of energy.AC requires more energy and a high price of installation. At the same time, the swamp cooler is very easy to instal, and these coolers use very low power.

A middle range of high-performance swamp cooler is perfect to use.

Ease Of Installation:

Installing ordinary air conditioners is challenging and costly, and a layperson cannot easily do it. Conversely, the installation of swamp coolers is very easy, and a layperson can easily install and operate them.

Swamp coolers, on the other hand, simply require a water connection and a power outlet. This is much cheaper and easier than paying hundreds of dollars.

Range Of Applications:

You can use a swamp cooler in both your home, work space, garage, industry and office. Weight varies among models. If you have swamp coolers on wheels, you can move them around with no problem. Both indoors and outdoors, these devices are beneficial when the weather is hot and dry. You can use them in your backyard and on your patio simply as well as in your home.

Swamp Cooler Downsides:

Despite all their benefits and cost savings, swamp coolers can only be used in certain climates. Unfortunately, it does not include a few regions like Philadelphia.

When both the dry and wet bulb temperature approaches the same level, the difference between the two decreases, and the cooling effect of the water evaporates accordingly. The swamp cooler will be unable to maintain a safe temperature when the wet-bulb temperature exceeds 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius).

Downsides of Swamp cooler

Maintenance is required for swamp coolers. Pads need to be cleaned or changed regularly to avoid that swampy smell and the associated air quality issues. Over time, it may also be necessary to flush out mineral-rich wastewater as water evaporates, resulting in a buildup of minerals in the water. In the cooling season, pads need to be replaced at least twice, and the reservoir should be checked, and the pump should be kept running at least once a month. Depending on the size, water is also required to operate the coolers – 4.4 to 10.4 gallons per hour. Swamp coolers are best suited to hot, dry climates.

Almost every air conditioner or cooler requires a few steps to maintain. Compared with other air conditioners, swamp coolers have fewer drawbacks and more advantages.

Tips For Buying A Swamp Cooler:

Before moving forward, it’s important to note that swamp coolers are more cost-effective in the long run, but they are designed for drier climates. It’s also important to consider the swamp cooler size and performance capabilities of swamp coolers before picking the suitable product that meets your personal preferences, space requirements, and mobility requirements.

Make Sure It’s Suitable For Your Climate:

Before purchasing an evaporative cooler, you should make sure your region’s climate is suitable for such a device. As swamp coolers add moisture to the air, they are not the most appropriate solution for people living in humid climates.

However, suppose that’s not an issue for you. In that case, swamp coolers will make your summer fantastic and dreamy by eliminating heat and discomfort and making the environment pleasant.

Determine The Size Of Your Swamp Cooler:

It’s essential to consider the dimensions of each swamp cooler in relation to the space you have since many models aren’t the smallest appliances you can own.

Especially when your ceiling is high or your space is exposed to direct sunlight, you should choose a swamp cooler with a higher CFM. If a lot of people are present in an area, then the CFM should be higher.

Size of swamp cooler

The performance of your cooler can also be affected by any heat-generating appliances present in your room.

Compare Water Supply Options:

When evaluating swamp cooler models, consider their water supply systems. With some coolers, you can connect your hose to a water pipe and use the same water that runs through your pipes, while others require their own reservoir of water for moisture. There are hybrid options available as well. 

Directly connected swamp coolers are preferred because you don’t have to refill the tank, but they are a little expensive.

Determine The Tank Size Required Based On Your Needs:

Small swamp coolers don’t have a continuous supply of water but instead come with a container that needs to be refilled. If you’re choosing an optimal option, its size is also crucial. Since the volume of water it holds affects how long a cooler can work efficiently, once the water runs out, most models will simply function as a fan without being able to control the temperature of the environment around it.

Swamp coolers with larger water tanks are usually larger, although some models have different sizes. Decide what size cooler to buy and what size tank to get.

Choose An Optimal Set Of Features: 

It is common for swamp coolers to be simple in design and have no elaborate features. A few basic features should be considered when purchasing them:

 Maintenance Of Swamp Cooler And Their Recommendations:

There are three basic steps of maintenance of a swamp cooler that you should done every month. There are a few features you should consider when buying these:

  • To clean the cooler’s exterior, use a damp cloth.
  •  With lukewarm water and light detergent, clean the evaporating system of the cooler.
  • Before reassembling, ensure that all parts are dry.

Suppose you want to get the most benefits out of your swamp cooler. In that case, it’s recommended that you open windows, so the air doesn’t get too humid. Water will not evaporate as efficiently in this case. A drastic difference in air and water temperature also makes it more efficient.

Differences Between A Swamp Cooler And An Air Conditioner

It is well known that air conditioners are a significant contributor to global warming. If you do not maintain them properly, bacteria and other harmful things will grow in their air filters. AC filters can contain viruses that cause sinus congestion and colds.

Differences Between a Swamp Cooler and an Air Conditioner?

On the other hand, swamp coolers have such side effects. There is no chemical inside the cooler, and they are environmentally friendly with pure air.

 Swamp Cooler Or AC?

Additionally, AC produces dry air, and long hours spent in dry air can dry your skin and cause it to become sensitive. When refrigerants are not used properly, there is a risk of leakage. In contrast, swamp coolers reduce temperatures without any such side effects, but they are effective, safer, and are more affordable.

In addition to being portable and easy to clean, swamp coolers are also easy to maintain. Coolers are more energy-efficient and quieter than air conditioners while consuming roughly 75% less electricity.

There is a nice perk to keeping your windows open, bringing fresh air in. In contrast, with AC, you have to shut all the windows and even the doors, and you will breathe with over processed air.

 Swamp cooler or AC?


Swamp coolers are a good choice if you want to cool your home or room with a very low electricity consumption. In addition to bringing down the temperature, swamp coolers also add fresh air to your surrounding area, making the environment more comfortable. A swamp cooler is more cost-effective and easier to use than an air conditioner without causing any pollution in the air. 

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